服務項目Service Item
Payroll Calculation 代管銀行帳戶 Bank account management 勞健保退休金投保單位成立 Statutory Social Insurance Insured Unit Registration 勞健保及退休金加退保 Statutory Social Insurance registration and withdrawal for staffs 健保眷屬加退保 Statutory Health Insurance application / withdrawal for dependents 投保單位地址變更 Statutory Social Insurance Insured Unit Address Alteration 投保單位其他資訊更改 Statutory Social Insurance Insured Unit Alteration for other information 公司登記地址租賃 Company registration address rental |
每月薪資核算服務 出缺勤扣薪計算、勞健保退休金預估與調節、二代健保補充保費計算
Monthly payroll calculations, including calculation of salary deductions for absence from work, estimation and adjustment for labor and health insurances, retirement pension, and supplementary health insurance 透過網路銀行設定預約轉帳,或親赴分行辦理轉帳 Arrange bank transferring in the branch counter or setup online banking transferring. 申請成立勞健保退休金投保單位。 Apply for national labor insurance, health insurance and retirement pension scheme account. 代辦公司員工加/退保事宜 Apply for national labor insurance, health insurance and retirement pension scheme registration or withdrawal for staffs. 代辦公司員工眷屬健保加/退保事宜 Apply for national labor insurance, health insurance and retirement pension scheme registration or withdrawal for staffs` dependents. |
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