1.扣繳稅額5%: 適用條件: a. 給付金額>= 薪資所得扣繳稅額表無配偶及受扶養親屬者之起扣標準(111年 86001元)時 b. 每次給付< 薪資所得扣繳稅額表無配偶及受扶養親屬者之起扣標準 (111年 86001元)但當月累計給付>= 薪資所得扣繳稅額表無配偶及受扶養親屬者之起扣標準( 111年 86001元)時 例: 給付A兼職所得月付2次(每次付5萬元/每月合計10萬元),第2次給付5萬元時,應扣繳5,000元(10萬*5%) 2.兼職二代健保補充保費2.11%: 適用條件: 每次給付金額>=基本工資(111年1月起25250元)時 上限以單次給付1000萬元為限 例: 給付B兼職所得月付2次(每次付2萬元/每月合計4萬元),每次均無須 扣繳兼職二代健保補充保費 例外: a. 不具投保資格;主動告知後,由扣費義務人向健保署確認。 b. 屬全民健康保險第 2 類(無一定雇主或自營作業而參加職業工會者)被保險人 c. 所得給付期間職業工會出具的在保證明或繳費證明 d. 屬全民健康保險第 5 類低收入戶(合於社會救助法規定之低收入戶成員)被保險人 3.投保單位補充保費2.11% 適用條件: 每月支付之薪資所得總額(含兼職薪資)>受僱者當月投保金額總額 健保
Nexia Trans-Asia Associates is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. |
版權所有 © 2018 Nexia Trans- Asia Associates, CPAs Post All Rights Reserved. |