舉例說明,陳先生接獲109年度綜合所得稅核定稅額繳款書,應納稅款為6,000元,繳納期限為111年1月20日,因忙碌忘了繳納,直到111年2月8日才發現稅單已逾繳納期限,陳先生逾期19天繳納稅款,其應加徵的滯納金依修正後的規定計算,應加徵6%滯納金360元(6,000元×6%=360元)。 計算滯納金、滯納利息需求,可至財政部稅務入口網首頁>線上服務>線上稅務試算>滯納金、滯納利息試算(網址:https://www.etax.nat.gov.tw/etwmain/etw160w) 資訊來源:財政部高雄國稅局 |
Nexia Trans-Asia Associates is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. |
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