本年度受COVID-19疫情影響,為減少人流接觸,該局已洽請轄內1,200家電器經銷商提供代為送件服務,民眾於購買電器時,可將申請書正本及應檢附文件(申請人身分證正反面影本、發票或收據影本、產品保固書或保證書影本及申請人存摺封面影本)交付予電器經銷商,由電器經銷商統一送件至該局;或可利用自然人憑證或已註冊健保卡(營利事業或組織機關團體則以工商憑證或組織及團體憑證)及簡易認證方式(限直撥退稅)至財政部稅務入口網之「購買節能電器退還減徵貨物稅專區」線上申辦,享有免出門就可退稅便捷措施,請民眾多加利用。 資訊來源:財政部新聞稿 評論已關閉。
Nexia Trans-Asia Associates is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. |
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