該局補充說明,邇來發現營利事業列報已達耐用年限的固定資產報廢損失,經查核後發現該資產僅從財產目錄除帳,實際上仍繼續使用或閒置,並未實質報廢,不符合資產報廢損失列報的規定,致遭剔除補稅。 該局另強調,資產報廢必須確實將資產毁棄或變賣,且需有毀棄前後照片、清運費、回收場收據等資料可供查證,始得列報損失;變賣價金應列為營業外收入,併入該年度營利事業所得稅辦理申報,以免遭補稅及處罰。 內容來源:財政部新聞稿 https://www.mof.gov.tw/singlehtml/384fb3077bb349ea973e7fc6f13b6974?cntId=459b05b3b4dd485c91f04f3fe44e8030 評論已關閉。
Nexia Trans-Asia Associates is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. |
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