在稅務部門方面的影響,最明顯的就是以往需要國稅局承辦人員人工下指令篩選資料(BI-商業智慧),選案的精確度與承辦人員的個人經驗有關。 在新系統上線後,將由AI(人工智慧)自動尋找異常,減少人工誤判,加上跨部門資料整合於同一平台,可預期未來查稅將會更加精確。 新系統目前預期2024年前會正式上線,由於稅務核定期間最短為五年,各營業人從今年起在稅務規劃上必須更加嚴謹,以因應智能稅務服務上線之後的改變。 資 料 來 源: 經 濟 日 報 https://money.udn.com/money/story/6710/4927740 評論已關閉。
Nexia Trans-Asia Associates is a member firm of the “Nexia International” network. Nexia International Limited does not deliver services in its own name or otherwise. Nexia International Limited and the member firms of the Nexia International network (including those members which trade under a name which includes the word NEXIA) are not part of a worldwide partnership. Nexia International Limited does not accept any responsibility for the commission of any act, or omission to act by, or the liabilities of, any of its members. Each member firm within the Nexia International network is a separate legal entity. |
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